#include #include #include "Footballer.h" using namespace std; #include "stdafx.h" int main() { // Question 1. Footballer footballer1; cout << "Enter a footballer's name: "; getline(cin, footballer1.name); cout << "Squad number: "; cin >> footballer1.squadNumber; cout << "Position code (0=GOALKEEPER, 1=DEFENDER, 2=MIDFIELDER, 3=STRIKER): "; int positionCode; cin >> positionCode; footballer1.positionCode = (Position)positionCode; cout << "Goals scored: "; cin >> footballer1.goalsScored; // Get rid of the CR character in the input buffer. cin.ignore(); cout << footballer1.name << " (squad number " << footballer1.squadNumber << ")" << ", position code: " << footballer1.positionCode << ", goals scored: " << footballer1.goalsScored << endl; // Question 2. Footballer anotherFootballer; InputFootballer(&anotherFootballer); DisplayFootballer(&anotherFootballer); // Question 3. Footballer team[5]; // 5-a-side. InputTeam(team, 5); DisplayTeam(team, 5); return 0; }