package solution.additionaljavaseclasses; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class RegularExpressions { public static void main(String[] args) { doMatching(); doRepeatedFinds(); doGroups(); doStringRE(); } private static void doMatching() { System.out.println("Simple regular expressions:"); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(Hello)*"); Matcher m1 = p.matcher("HelloHelloHello"); boolean result1 = m1.matches(); System.out.printf("Result1: %b %n", result1); // Should be true. Matcher m2 = p.matcher("HelloHelloHello What's Going On Here Then"); boolean result2 = m2.matches(); System.out.printf("Result2: %b %n", result2); // Should be false. Matcher m3 = p.matcher("HelloHelloHello What's Going On Here Then"); boolean result3 = m3.lookingAt(); System.out.printf("Result3: %b %n", result3); // Should be true. } private static void doRepeatedFinds() { System.out.println("\nRepeated finds:"); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[a-z]+"); Matcher m = p.matcher("testing 12345, god natt og takk for alle fisker!"); while (m.find()) { System.out.printf("Found: %s\n",; } } private static void doGroups() { System.out.println("\nGroups:"); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("0{0,1}(\\d{3})[\\s-](\\d{3})[\\s-](\\d{3})"); Matcher m = p.matcher("0123 456-789"); // Perform the match. if (m.matches()) { // Iterate through all the capture groups. for (int i = 1; i <= m.groupCount(); i++) { System.out.printf("Group %d match: %s\n", i,; } } } private static void doStringRE() { System.out.println("\nString RE support:"); String greeting = "Good night"; boolean result1 = greeting.matches("Good night"); // true boolean result2 = greeting.matches("Good"); // false System.out.printf("Result1=%b, Result2=%b\n", result1, result2); String path = " This. Is a Message! OK?"; String[] pathComponents = path.split("[.?!]"); for (String pc : pathComponents) { System.out.println(pc); } System.out.println(); } }