using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Collections; namespace DemoDotNetAPIs { static class CollectionsDemo { public static void DoDemo() { Console.WriteLine("\nCollectionsDemo"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------"); DemoArrays(); DemoRawCollections(); DemoGenericLists(); DemoGenericDictionaries(); } private static void DemoArrays() { Random rand = new Random(); int[] lotteryNumbers = new int[6]; for (int i = 0; i < lotteryNumbers.Length; i++) { int num = rand.Next(49); lotteryNumbers[i] = num; } Console.WriteLine("Array of random numbers:"); foreach (int num in lotteryNumbers) { Console.WriteLine(" {0}", num); } } private static void DemoRawCollections() { ArrayList cruiseStops = new ArrayList(); cruiseStops.Add("Gibralta"); cruiseStops.Add("Barcelona"); cruiseStops.Add("Monacco"); ArrayList italianStops = new ArrayList(); italianStops.Add("Rome"); italianStops.Add("Sorrento"); italianStops.Add("Bari"); cruiseStops.AddRange(italianStops); cruiseStops.Remove("Gibralta"); cruiseStops.RemoveAt(3); Console.WriteLine("\nRaw collection items:"); foreach (object obj in cruiseStops) { Console.WriteLine(" {0}", obj); } // This statement might cause an exception later... cruiseStops[2] = new Employee("George", 100000); string s = (string)cruiseStops[2]; Console.WriteLine("cruiseStops[2] in uppercase is {0}.", s.ToUpper()); } private static void DemoGenericLists() { List cruiseStops = new List(); cruiseStops.Add("Gibralta"); cruiseStops.Add("Barcelona"); cruiseStops.Add("Monacco"); List italianStops = new List(); italianStops.Add("Rome"); italianStops.Add("Sorrento"); italianStops.Add("Bari"); cruiseStops.AddRange(italianStops); cruiseStops.Remove("Gibralta"); cruiseStops.RemoveAt(3); Console.WriteLine("\nGeneric collection items:"); foreach (string str in cruiseStops) { Console.WriteLine(" {0}", str); } // Note, no need to cast now. string s = cruiseStops[2]; Console.WriteLine("cruiseStops[2] in uppercase is {0}.", s.ToUpper()); } private static void DemoGenericDictionaries() { // Create a Dictionary with string keys are Employee object values Dictionary employees = new Dictionary(); // One way to add items to a Dictionary is via the Add() method. employees.Add("1234", new Employee("Jack", 10000)); employees.Add("5678", new Employee("Jill", 20000)); // Another way to add an item (or reassign an item) is via the [] operator. employees["2222"] = new Employee("Tony", 22000); employees["3333"] = new Employee("Joan", 33000); // You can access items via the [] operator. Employee emp = employees["3333"]; Console.WriteLine("\nEmployee 3333 : {0}", emp); // It's also common to test whether the dictionary contains a particular key. if (employees.ContainsKey("4444")) Console.WriteLine("Employee 4444 details: {0}", employees["4444"]); // Iteration is also common. Console.WriteLine("Here are all the employees:"); foreach (string key in employees.Keys) Console.WriteLine(" {0} : {1}", key, employees[key]); } } class Employee { private string name; private double salary; private List programmingLanguages = new List(); public Employee(string name, double salary) { = name; this.salary = salary; } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("{0} earns {1:c}", name, salary); } public void LearnNewLanguage(string lang) { programmingLanguages.Add(lang); } } }