using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace DemoGenerics { #region Generic classes public class MyCollection { } [Serializable] public class MyQueue : MyCollection where T: struct { } #endregion #region Inheritance public class MySuperClass { } public interface IMyInterface { } // Closed subclass, with specific type parameters. public class MySub1 : MySuperClass, IMyInterface { } // Partially closed subclass, with some specific type parameters. public class MySub2 : MySuperClass, IMyInterface { } // Open subclass, with all type parameters still generic. public class MySub3 : MySuperClass, IMyInterface { } #endregion #region Static fields and constructors public class MyClass { private static int count = 0; static MyClass() { if (!typeof(T).IsPrimitive) throw new ArgumentException("T must be a primitive type"); } public MyClass() { count++; } public static int Count { get { return count; } } } #endregion #region Overloading public class MyClassWithOverloading { // Potential error: MyClass would have two M1(string) methods. public void M1(T t) { Console.WriteLine("Hello from M1(T), where T is {0}.", typeof(T)); } public void M1(string s) { Console.WriteLine("Hello from M1(string)."); } // OK: no type parameter for T could be string and int simultaneously. public void M2(T t1, T t2) { Console.WriteLine("Hello from M2(T, T), where T is {0}.", typeof(T)); } public void M2(string s, int i) { Console.WriteLine("Hello from M2(string, int)."); } // OK: arrays are different from scalars. public void M3(T t) { Console.WriteLine("Hello from M3(T), where T is {0}.", typeof(T)); } public void M3(T[] a) { Console.WriteLine("Hello from M3(T[]), where T is {0}.", typeof(T)); } } #endregion #region Overriding // Define a generic superclass. public abstract class Super { public virtual T M1() { return default(T); } public virtual Super M2() { return default(Super); } public virtual void M3(Super t) { return; } } // Define a non-generic subclass. public class SubA : Super { public override int M1() { return 0; } public override Super M2() { return new SubA(); } public override void M3(Super t) { return; } } // Define a generic subclass. public class SubB : Super { public override T1 M1() { return default(T1); } public override Super M2() { return default(Super); } // Error: T2 is potentially different to T1. // This would mean M3() wouldn't override superclass M3 properly. // public override void M3(Super t) // { // return; // } // This version is OK. public override void M3(Super t) { return; } } #endregion #region Nested types public class Tree { public class TreeNode { public T data; public TreeNode left, right; public TreeNode(T data) { = data; left = right = null; } } public TreeNode Head { get; set; } // Plus other members... } #endregion static class CloserLookAtGenericsDemo { public static void DoDemo() { Console.WriteLine("\nCloserLookAtGenericsDemo"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------"); DemoGenericClasses(); DemoInheritance(); DemoStaticsAndConstructors(); DemoOverloading(); DemoOverriding(); DemoNestedTypes(); } private static void DemoGenericClasses() { // MyQueue's type parameter can be any kind of struct (including primitives and enums). MyQueue queue1 = new MyQueue(); MyQueue queue2 = new MyQueue(); MyQueue queue3 = new MyQueue(); // The following won't compile, because string is a class type (not a struct type). // MyQueue queue4 = new MyQueue(); } private static void DemoInheritance() { // Create a MySub1 instance (0 type parameters needed). MySub1 obj1 = new MySub1(); // Create a MySub2 instance (1 type parameter needed). MySub2 obj2 = new MySub2(); // Create a MySub3 instance (2 type parameters needed). MySub3 obj3 = new MySub3(); } private static void DemoStaticsAndConstructors() { // Create instances of MyClass. MyClass intInstance1 = new MyClass(); MyClass intInstance2 = new MyClass(); MyClass intInstance3 = new MyClass(); // Create instances of MyClass. MyClass doubleInstance1 = new MyClass(); MyClass doubleInstance2 = new MyClass(); // Display static counts for each generic version of MyClass. Console.WriteLine("Count for MyClass: {0}", MyClass.Count); Console.WriteLine("Count for MyClass: {0}", MyClass.Count); // Can't create MyClass of non-primitive (see exception thrown in constructor). // MyClass stringInstance = new MyClass(); } private static void DemoOverloading() { // Create instance of MyClassWithOverloading, and invoke various methods. MyClassWithOverloading intInstance = new MyClassWithOverloading(); intInstance.M1(100); intInstance.M1("hello"); intInstance.M2(100, 200); intInstance.M2("hello", 100); intInstance.M3(100); intInstance.M3(new int[] { 100, 200, 300 }); // Create instance of MyClassWithOverloading, and invoke various methods. MyClassWithOverloading stringInstance = new MyClassWithOverloading(); stringInstance.M1("hello"); stringInstance.M2("hello", "world"); stringInstance.M2("hello", 100); stringInstance.M3("hello"); stringInstance.M3(new string[] { "alpha", "beta", "gamma" }); } private static void DemoOverriding() { // Create instance of SubA, and invoke methods on SubA instance. SubA a = new SubA(); int r1 = a.M1(); Super r2 = a.M2(); a.M3(new SubA()); // Create instance of SubB, and invoke methods on SubB instance. SubB b = new SubB(); // Invoke methods on SubB instance. r1 = b.M1(); r2 = b.M2(); b.M3(new SubB()); } public static void DemoNestedTypes() { Tree mytree = new Tree(); Tree.TreeNode myhead = mytree.Head; // Plus code to add/use items in tree. } } }