Module Module1 Sub Main() 'Declare a variable "strMyCountry" of type string Dim strMyCountry As String 'Prompt the user to enter a country System.Console.WriteLine("Please Enter A Country: ") 'Read the country entered by the user and assign it to the variable "strMyCountry" strMyCountry = Console.ReadLine() 'Use switch to compare the myCountry string to the choices of country Select Case (strMyCountry) Case "England" 'This block is executed only if the country entered by the user is "England" (case sensitive) Console.WriteLine("Your Capital is London." + vbCrLf) Case "France" 'This block is executed only if the country entered by the user is "France" (case sensitive) Console.WriteLine("Your Capital is Paris." + vbCrLf) Case "Germany" 'This block is executed only if the country entered by the user is "Germany" (case sensitive) Console.WriteLine("Your Capital is Munich." + vbCrLf) Case Else 'This block is executed only if the country entered is different than above countries Console.WriteLine("The Capital is Unknown." + vbCrLf) End Select Console.WriteLine("Please Press any Key to Exit") System.Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module