Module Module1 Sub Main() 'Declaring variables Dim valueOne As Integer Dim valueTwo As Integer Dim valueThree As Integer 'Try...Catch: is used to catch any unexpected behavior during execution time. 'WHEN an exception is thrown inside the "try" block, the code inside the "catch" block 'is executed instead of halting the program 'In our case here, when the user enters a non-integer operand, a format exception 'will be thrown and catched Try 'Prompt the user to enter the first operand System.Console.WriteLine("Please Enter A Whole Number: ") 'Fetch the number entered by the user, convert it to an integer and set it to the variable "valueOne" valueOne = Integer.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) 'Prompt the user to enter the second operand System.Console.WriteLine("Please Enter Another Whole Number: ") 'Fetch the number entered by the user, convert it to an integer and set it to the variable "valueTwo" valueTwo = Integer.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) 'Calculate the sum of the 2 operands and set it to the variable "sum" valueThree = valueOne + valueTwo 'Check if the sum is greater than 0 then print the operands and the sum If (valueThree > 0) Then System.Console.WriteLine("The Sum of ValueOne: {0} and ValueTwo: {1} is Equal to: {2}", valueOne, valueTwo, valueThree) Else 'Else if the sum is NOT greater than 0 System.Console.WriteLine("Both Values were Zero!") End If 'Handle exception generated by user input entered in 'the wrong format Catch ex As System.FormatException Console.WriteLine("You didn't enter a Whole Number!") End Try Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf + "Please Press any Key to Exit") Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module