Visual Studio

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3. Defining Types

In this tutorial you will learn the core of C# and its

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4. Defining Members

In this tutorial you will learn more core C# and a look

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5. Going Further with Types and Members

In this tutorial you will learn more core C# and look a

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6. Inheritance and Interfaces

In this tutorial you will learn more core C# and a look

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7. Delegates, Events, and Lambda Expressions

In this tutorial you will learn more core C# and a look

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8. Generics

In this tutorial you will learn more core C# and look a

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9. Using .NET Framework APIs

In this tutorial you will learn more core C# and look a

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10. File Handling and Serialization

In this tutorial you will learn more core C# and look a

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11. Additional C# Language Features

In this tutorial you will learn more core C# and look a

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12. LINQ to Objects

In this tutorial you will learn more core C# and look a

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