Training in C++ Development

C++ Programming Course Outline

This course is aimed at students who need to get up to speed in C++. The course introduces object-oriented concepts and shows how they are implemented in C++. The course does not require awareness or familiarity with object-oriented programming techniques, but programming experience of some kind is assumed.


5 days



  • At least 6 months programming experience
  • No OO experience is assumed

What you’ll learn

  • Understanding C++ types, variables, and operators
  • Using C++ flow-of-control constructs
  • Writing and calling functions
  • Using pointers, arrays, and structures
  • Defining classes and creating objects
  • Implementing operators and conversions
  • Using inheritance and polymorphism effectively

Course details


Introduction to C++

  • Key features of C++
  • Defining variables
  • Formulating expressions and statements
  • Built-in data types
  • Console input/output

Operators and Types

  • Assignment
  • Compound Assignment
  • Increment and decrement operators
  • Const declarations
  • Type conversions

Going Further with Data Types

  • Enumerations
  • Arrays
  • Using the standard vector class
  • Using the standard string class
  • Structures

Flow of Control

  • Decision making with if, if-else, and switch
  • Looping with for loops, while loops, and do-while loops

Defining functions

  • Declaring, calling and defining functions
  • Function overloading
  • Defining default arguments
  • Pass-by-copy versus pass-by-reference
  • Defining inline functions
  • Header files and source files


  • Overview of pointers
  • Defining pointers
  • Dereferencing pointers
  • Const pointers
  • Null pointers

Overview of Object Oriented Concepts

  • Classes and objects
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance and polymorphism

Defining Classes

  • Syntax of class declarations
  • Public and private members
  • Creating objects
  • Using new and delete
  • Structures vs. classes

Implementing Class Functionality

  • Function overloading
  • Default arguments
  • Anonymous arguments
  • Ambiguities
  • Resolving scope conflicts
  • Using the this pointer

Defining Constructors and Destructors

  • Overview of an object’s lifetime
  • Defining constructors
  • Constructor chaining
  • Defining destructors

Operator Overloading

  • Overview of operator functions
  • Defining unary operators
  • Defining binary operators
  • Defining the [] operator
  • Defining input and output operators

Defining Class-Wide Members

  • Overview
  • Static data members
  • Static member functions
  • Nested types
  • Friend classes

Creating Collections of Objects

  • The need for collections
  • Introduction to template classes
  • Using vector and list
  • Using iterators
  • Introduction to template functions
  • Using the Standard Template Library

Copying and Conversions

  • The copy assignment operator
  • Copy constructors
  • Conversions to a class
  • Conversions from a class


  • Recap of inheritance principles
  • Defining a subclass
  • Defining protected members
  • Scoping and initialisation
  • Multiple inheritance
  • Abstract base classes


  • Recap of polymorphism
  • Defining virtual functions
  • Virtual destructors
  • Pure virtual functions and abstract classes


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