20762 Developing SQL Databases


The primary audience for this course is IT Professionals who want to become skilled on SQL Server 2016 product features and technologies for implementing a database. The secondary audiences for this course are individuals who are developers from other product platforms looking to become skilled in the implementation of a SQL Server 2016 database.



  • Basic knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system and its core functionality.
  • Working knowledge of Transact-SQL.
  • Working knowledge of relational databases.


  • Design and Implement Tables.
  • Describe advanced table designs
  • Ensure Data Integrity through Constraints.
  • Describe indexes, including Optimized and Columnstore indexes
  • Design and Implement Views.
  • Design and Implement Stored Procedures.
  • Design and Implement User Defined Functions.
  • Respond to data manipulation using triggers.
  • Design and Implement In-Memory Tables.
  • Implement Managed Code in SQL Server.
  • Store and Query XML Data.
  • Work with Spatial Data.
  • Store and Query Blobs and Text Documents.


Module 1: Introduction to Database Development

  • Introduction to the SQL Server Platform
  • SQL Server Database Development Tasks
  • Lab : SQL Server Database Development Tasks

Module 2: Designing and Implementing Tables

  • Designing Tables
  • Data Types
  • Working with Schemas
  • Creating and Altering Tables
  • Lab : Designing and Implementing Tables

Module 3: Advanced Table Designs

  • Partitioning data
  • Compressing Data
  • Temporal Tables
  • Lab : Using Advanced Table Designs

Module 4: Ensuring Data Integrity through Constraints

  • Enforcing data Integrity
  • Implementing Domain Integrity
  • Implementing Entity and Referential Integrity
  • Lab : Ensuring Data Integrity through Constraints

Module 5: Introduction to Indexes

  • Core Indexing Concepts
  • Data Types and Indexes
  • Single Column and Composite Indexes
  • Lab : Implementing Indexes

Module 6: Designing Optimized Index Strategies

  • Covering Indexes
  • Managing Indexes
  • Execution Plans
  • Using the DTE
  • Lab : Designing Optimized Index Strategies

Module 7: Columnstore Indexes

  • Introduction to Columnstore indexes
  • Creating Columnstore indexes
  • Working Columnstore indexes
  • Lab : Using Columnstore indexes

Module 8: Designing and Implementing Views

  • Introduction to views
  • Creating and managing views
  • Performance considerations for views
  • Lab : Designing and Implementing Views

Module 9: Designing and Implementing Stored Procedures

  • Introduction to Stored Procedures
  • Working with Stored Procedures
  • Implementing Parameterized Stored Procedures
  • Controlling Execution Context
  • Lab : Designing and Implementing Stored Procedures

Module 10: Designing and Implementing User-Defined Functions

  • Overview of Functions
  • Designing and Implementing Scalar Functions
  • Designing and Implementing Table-Valued Functions
  • Implementation Considerations for Functions
  • Alternatives to Functions
  • Lab : Designing and Implementing User-defined Functions

Module 11: Responding to Data Manipulation via Triggers

  • Designing DML TriggersImplementing DML Triggers
  • Advanced Trigger Concepts
  • Lab : Responding to Data Manipulation via Triggers

Module 12: Using In-Memory Tables

  • In-Memory tables
  • Native Stored Procedures
  • Lab : In Memory OLTP

Module 13: Implementing Managed Code in SQL Server

  • Introduction to SQL CLR Integration
  • Importing and Configuring Assemblies
  • Implementing SQL CLR Integration
  • Lab : Implementing Managed Code in SQL Server

Module 14: Storing and Querying XML Data in SQL Server

  • Introduction to XML and XML Schemas
  • Storing XML Data and Schemas in SQL Server
  • Implementing the XML Data Type
  • Using the T-SQL FOR XML Statement
  • Getting Started with xQuery
  • Lab : Storing and Querying XML Data in SQL Server

Module 15: Working with SQL Server Spatial Data

  • Introduction to Spatial Data
  • Working with SQL Server Spatial Data Types
  • Using Spatial Data in Applications
  • Lab : Working with SQL Server Spatial Data

Module 16: Storing and Querying Blobs and Text Documents in SQL Server

  • Considerations for BLOB Data
  • Working with FileStream
  • Using Full-Text Search
  • Lab : Storing and Querying Blobs and Text Documents in SQL Server


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