Training in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript

The advent of HTML5 and CSS3 has seen something of a revolution in application development in recent times. This course takes the lid off these technologies and shows how you can use their full power to create contemporary, adaptive, and interactive Web applications.


4 Days


  1. HTML and CSS Core Principles: HTML core concepts and syntax; CSS core concepts and syntax
  2. Creating HTML5 and CSS3 Web Pages: HTML5 semantic tags; Additional HTML5 layout features; CSS3 enhancements
  3. JavaScript Core Principles: JavaScript essential syntax; Accessing and updating HTML content by using DOM; Getting started with jQuery; Event handling
  4. Using Forms: Defining a form to gather user input; Using the new HTML5 input elements; Validating input; Implementing JavaScript validation
  5. Implementing Ajax-Enabled Web Pages: Overview of Ajax; Using Ajax manually; Using Ajax with jQuery; Guidelines for how to communicate with remote services
  6. Going Further with CSS3: Textual styling; Using CSS3 selectors; Additional CSS3 techniques
  7. Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript: Creating objects; Defining properties and methods; Defining constructors; Understanding prototypes; Implementing inheritance
  8. Platform Integration: Using the File API; Implementing drag-and-drop; Incorporating audio and video; Using the Geolocation API
  9. Offline Working: Using local storage; Offline working; Using the application cache
  10. Creating Adaptive User Interfaces: Media queries; Creating applications that look good in different form factors; Creating printer-friendly applications
  11. Graphics: Using the canvas API; Using SVG; Techniques and recommendations
  12. CSS3 Animations and Effects: Transitions; 2D and 3D transformations; Key-frame animations
  13. Web Sockets: The need for Web Sockets; Implementing a Web Sockets client; Implementing a Web Sockets server
  14. Web Workers: What are Web Workers? Implementing a Web Worker; Asynchronous programming techniques

Who Should Attend:

This training course is aimed at developers.


Familiarity with core HTML4, CSS2, and JavaScript is beneficial.

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