The Traditional Training Approach

After a few years working as trainer I realised that there are problems with the traditional approach. Have you ever been on the wrong course? A course that did not contain what you needed. Or a course that was too simple or too complex.Traditional

Perhaps these problems were due to how the course was booked. Did the person selling the course really know its content? Or ask what you needed? Often several middle parties are involved in booking a course. For commercial reasons they do not share information about a training requirement.

With a massive amount of online, people can find most stuff for themselves. Google knows it all; millions of tutorials, forums and blogs. There is so much information available on the web. And it is available at any time. And much of it is free. There is now less desire to take time away from work to attend a training course. But how relevant and creditable are these online sources? How to blend on and off-line learning?

So I made a radical decision. I will use my experience to create an alternative; TalkIT.

Read more on TalkIT’s aims …


David Ringsell MCPD 2015 ©

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