Our Instructor Led Training is highly effective and enjoyable. The courses can be customised to your exact requirements and delivered remotely
or face to face, at your premises or ours.

We’ve had the pleasure in training these companies

What other people are saying about TalkIT courses

Join 1000s of satisfied learners in over 100 countries.

“Course was very natural and we received easy instructions. It was useful and informative. A good mix of classroom models and theories and at the same time maintained practical context. David is very engaging and I hope to receive more training from him.”
Lloyds bank development team

“The fundamentals of MVC were made quite clear. Hands on exercises and labs cemented my knowledge. Overall, it had good balance of theory and practice.
This created good foundation for our knowledge.
The University of Law development team

“Very good course designed by David. Pace, structure and timing were good, thus we covered lots of information. Matched expectations of experienced and less experienced people. It also had great labs and we created an application in the end. A very enjoyable week”
3M development team

Instructor Led Training

Build Technical Skills and Confidence

We provide a comprehensive range of technical training courses, so you or your team can learn quickly. We can customise training to your exact requirements.

Get in touch to book an instructor led training course.

Why Choose Us

We promise programmers a wide range of effective courses. All our training courses are written by experts and created using Accelerated Learning techniques for simple and efficient learning.

Our courses are backed up by practical exercises, and code samples to get you hands-on with the programming.

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