Module Module1 Sub Main() 'Declare 3 integer Dim valueOne As Integer Dim valueTwo As Integer Dim valueThree As Integer Try 'Prompt the user to enter 3 numbers Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number greater or less than 0") valueOne = Integer.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) Console.WriteLine("Please enter another number greater or less than 0") valueTwo = Integer.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) valueThree = valueOne * valueTwo 'Use the And operator to determine whether the two numbers are 'both positive numbers - more than 0 If (valueOne > 0 And valueTwo > 0) Then Console.WriteLine("The answer is a Positive Number. The answer is: {0}", valueThree) 'Use the And operator to determine whether the two numbers are 'both negative numbers - less than 0 ElseIf (valueOne < 0 And valueTwo < 0) Then Console.WriteLine("The answer is a Positive Number. The answer is: {0}", valueThree) 'Use the OR operator to determine whether one of the numbers is 'less than 0 ElseIf (valueOne < 0 Or valueTwo < 0) Then Console.WriteLine("The answer is a Negative Number. The answer is: {0}", valueThree) Else Console.WriteLine("Both numbers are not greater or less than 0") End If Catch ex As System.FormatException Console.WriteLine("You didn't enter a Whole Number!") End Try Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf + "Please Press any Key to Exit") System.Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module