Module Module1 'Define the interface 'Note: An interface contains only the signatures of methods, delegates or events. 'The implementation of the methods is done in the class that implements the interface Interface IClient Sub Order(ByVal orderNum As Integer) Property Name() As String Property Address() As String End Interface 'Create a Customer class that implements the IClient interface 'The class must implement all the method(s) defined in the interface Public Class Customer Implements IClient 'Implement the properties Public Property Name As String Implements IClient.Name Public Property Address As String Implements IClient.Address Public Sub New(ByVal s As String) Console.WriteLine("Creating a New Customer ID: {0}", s) End Sub 'Implement the Order method Public Sub Order(ByVal newOrder As Integer) Implements IClient.Order Console.WriteLine("Implementing the Order Method for IClient. The Order Number is: {0}", newOrder) End Sub End Class Class Tester Public Sub Run() 'Initialize a new Customer object Dim cust As Customer = New Customer("H56388") 'Set the customer's name cust.Name = "Brian Ferry" 'Set the customer's address cust.Address = "23 Orange Lane, Clifton, Bristol, BS6 5FH" 'Display customer's name Console.WriteLine("The Name of the Customer is: {0}", cust.Name) 'Display customer's address Console.WriteLine("The Address of the Customer is: {0}", cust.Address) 'Call method 'Order' for that customer cust.Order(1234) End Sub End Class Sub Main() Dim t As Tester = New Tester() t.Run() Console.ReadLine() End Sub End Module